Preventive hygiene measures are taken for the safe delivery of packages
This COVID-19 pandemic has changed the entire world. That is why all the companies offering the delivery services have to take some preventive hygiene measures to ensure the safety of both the delivery employees as well as customers.
Have a look at these a few preventive hygiene measures taken by our company.
Practicing contactless option of delivery
During this tough period, it has become essential to keep yourself isolated from all others. That is why our delivery associates have been taught in maintaining the distance concerning the safety of both the associates and our customers. Customers can take up the delivery package anytime when the delivery associate left the spot.
Using a sanitized and clean container
The boxes that had been used for packing are clean and sanitized. Therefore, the customer can stay safe with the contaminated surfaces. A customer can discard the plastic delivery bag and paper to ensure complete safety. Customers should also sanitize the package before picking it.
Proper sanitization habits
During this period, we have advised all the associates to follow the proper sanitization habits. Practicing adapting proper hygiene habits and social distancing is essential during this period. Delivery associates wash their hands more frequently using alcohol-based sanitizer or for 20 seconds.
Some additional rules
- All our delivery associates are advised and well trained to clean all the touched surfaces such as vehicles. Delivery vehicles are being sanitized more frequently.
- Our associates have also been advised to wash their hands on a regular basis for at least 20 seconds using a soap solution. Cleaning agents, sanitizer are also being provided to the associates to kill viruses.
- We have also increased the frequency to clean different sites. All the surfaces that have been touched frequently are sanitized regularly such as door handles, handrails, and so on.
- Delivery associates wear gloves while delivering packages so they do not contact the contaminated surfaces.
Though the government can impose restrictions and penalize people for going out and can apply certain rules and regulations we also had established certain rules to ensure the complete safety of our customers and delivery associates. We take these preventive hygiene measures to ensure the proper safety of delivery associates and customers.
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