
Buy Pedigree Online in India at Best Prices at

Since 1934, Pedigree dog food has managed to satisfy thousands in many countries. The original slogan of Pedigree “Recommended by top breeders” has been now changed to “Dogs Rule”. Pedigree foundation works to help homeless dogs and find loving and caring home for them. You can adopt pets through this organization. Keeping in mind the age and breed of the dog, Pedigree delivers the Pedigree dog food and other Pedigree pet grooming accessories. Pedigree delivers much kind of dog foods. All these dog foods are useful and contain essential nutrition elements that are necessary for the growth and development of your pet.

Home cooked food VS Pedigree:

Some people think that home prepared food is fresher and less processed. But there are certain nutritional requirements that are required for the health of your pet.

  • Pedigree contains Ca:P ration that supports your pet growth and development. Pedigree fulfills the nutritional requirements depending on the pet needs and life-stage.
  • Home prepared foods are often high in fat, thus results in overweight in pets. Pedigree includes Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Zinc , copper, Vitamin E and many other essential nutrients that helps your pet to grow healthy.
  • Home food methods are partially cooked and may contain microbial contamination. Pedigree use safe cooking methods.
  • Pedigrees have a feeding guide and ensure that pet is fed sufficient amount of calories.

Some of the best Pedigree pet products are as follows:

  • Dry dog food: There are a variety of dog foods available. You can select the food based on breed, size and age of the dog. Eg.
  • For Puppies you can select: Puppy chicken and milk
  • For just born puppies you can select: Weaning professional and pedigree dog food puppy starter.
  • For adult dogs you can select: Pedigree dog adult food chicken & vegetables, Rice & vegetables, Adult dog food meat and rice.
  • Dog Meaty treats: These includes:
  • Pedigree Dog Treat Adult Gravy Style
  • Pedigree Meat Jerky Barbeque Chicken Flavor
  • Pedigree Meat Jerky Grilled Liver Flavor
  • Pedigee Dog Treat Puppy Rice and Chicken
  • Pedigree Dog Treat Rodeo Chicken & Liver Flavor
  • Pedigree Dog Treat Adult Pouch Chicken & Liver Chunks
  • Dog Dental Chews: These include:
  • Pedigree Dog Treat Denta Stix Toy & Small Dogs
  • Pedigree Denta Stix Green Tea Flavor Toy & Small Dogs
  • Pedigree Denta Stix Medium & Large Dogs
  • Pedigree Dog Treat Denta Stix Puppy
  • Canned dog food: These include:
  • Pedigree Dog Can, Chicken in Jelly


  • Soft and shiny skin
  • Soft and shiny coat
  • Strong muscles
  • Growth and development
  • Digestive health
  • Strong bones and teeth
  • Keeps pet Healthy and happy
  • Improves immunity

Buy Pedigree Online in India at Best Prices at

Nappets is a leading brand and understand the value of your pet in your life. Go for pedigree online shopping and get all the products delivered at your home.